My favorite people to follow on Instagram, Facebook & Twitter

Like most 30-somethings, I’m obsessed with social media – especially Instagram and Instagram stories lately. I find myself watching stories for way too long before I get out of bed in the morning, in the middle of the night, while waiting in line for coffee. I can’t stop. Here’s who you should be following!

Like most 30-somethings, I’m obsessed with social media – especially Instagram and Instagram stories lately. I find myself watching stories for way too long before I get out of bed in the morning, in the middle of the night, while waiting in line for coffee. I can’t stop.

Here are some of my favorite people to follow…

1. @emilyschuman at Cupcakes and Cashmere


Emily is the founder of Cupcakes & Cashmere, an adorable lifestyle blog that I’ve been obsessed with for a couple of years. She posts about fashion, food, beauty and more. There is even a Cupcakes & Cashmere shop. It’s a little on the pricey side, but I’m sure I’ll cave and buy something eventually. The earrings she’s wearing in her insta-stories are always absolutely beautiful and sold in the shop so I’m guessing that’ll be what I buy first…

2. Chrissy Teigen


If you don’t know that Chrissy Theigen is a must-follow celeb on twitter by now, then you must be living under a rock. She’s hilarious and always interacting with her followers (see example above). From her cooking on her Insta-stories to her witty banter on Twitter, she’s sure to entertain you on any social media platform.

3. @busyphilipps


So I really only watched Busy Philipps on Cougar Town (I know…), but I somehow ended up following her on Instagram, and I’m not mad about it. I have this same conversation with friends on a weekly basis:

Do you follow Busy Philipps on Instagram?

YES! She posts things that I would never imagine posting about myself.

Right? I love her.

She shares real life things like sweaty workouts, skin problems and days drunk on vacation. But then you also get to see her getting ready for fancy events and hanging out on the red carpet. I might have to go watch all of Dawson’s Creek on Netflix now…

4. Ali at @Inspiralized


Ali is the inventor of the spiralizer, a super cool tool that turns zucchini and other veggies into noodles for easy meal prep. She has a couple different instagram accounts: alissandrab, inspiralized and inspiralizedkids. All of them have great healthy eating and lifestyle content. She has a little boy only a month younger than Baby B, so I love being able to follow along what she’s going through at the same time as me.

5. bravoandy


When I started writing this post, RC recommended that I add Andy Cohen. I don’t watch Bravo so I thought “nah.” But then followed him, and he’s great. Super funny! Even if you don’t watch Bravo shows, he’s worth a follow.

6. @catandnat


Cat & Nat are moms who started an online community of moms who go live on Facebook daily to rant and joke about their lives as moms. As they say on their website, they dismantle the unrealistic portrayals of motherhood that are often presented throughout social and traditional media. And they are so funny, you guys. If you’re a mom (or even if you aren’t), you have to follow them!

7. @buzzfeed

If you’re anything like me, you spent literally hours every day on Buzzfeed in around 2010-2013. I’ve rediscovered my love for Buzzfeed via Instagram in the last year or so. Go follow them to get a daily dose of laughs in your feed.

8. Ria and Fran at @chicksintheoffice


My brother got me hooked on Bar Stool Sports in the past year. A couple months ago they made an amazing choice and gave Chicks in the Office their own show. While I don’t get to listen to it that often, I need too more because I love their Instagram videos on pop culture news. I feel like they’re my besties.

9. Gina Homolka at @skinnytaste


I’ve been using SkinnyTaste as my go-to for meal prep for years. Gina’s recipes are delicious and healthy. I love following her on Facebook and Instagram. Her Instagram stories are always a fun look into her personal life, as well as her cooking.

10. @vancityreynolds


He’s hot and funny. What’s there not to love?

Who else should I be following? Anyone on this list you love? Or hate?


Author: AwkwardVodka

Three Midwestern girls trying to adult, documenting their awkward encounters and providing expert life advice. You're welcome.

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